Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Human Trafficking Center in Sheffield Assists Survivor

From the Star:

A woman forced to work as a prostitute by a human trafficking gang was supported by the UK's human trafficking centre in Sheffield in the wake of her ordeal. The woman's experience emerged this week when an illegal immigrant who ran a Derby brothel on behalf of a Chinese crime gang appeared at court and was jailed.

Jing Wu, who entered the UK illegally in February last year and began working as a madam at a massage parlour, was given an eight month sentence at Derby Crown Court.

The 38-year-old was caught as part of a police operation set up to combat human-trafficking and release sex slaves from their captors.

She arranged for women flown over from Asia to work in the brothel, handing over the profits to a mysterious figure called "the boss".

Wu told police that she had been given the work by "Snakeheads" - Chinese traffickers who help people get into the UK in return for them agreeing to work for them on arrival.

The court heard that when police raided the brothel they freed a terrified woman forced to sell her body to earn her keep. Derbyshire Police said the prostitute was treated as a victim by officers and referred to Sheffield' s Human Trafficking Centre, which provides support with issues such as housing, asylum applications and repatriation.

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