Monday, January 12, 2009

A Call to Action

Help build the Human Trafficking Project into an informational resource of news, analysis and insights for researchers and individuals interested in learning more about trafficking!

Are you a researcher? A student? A social worker? An advocate? A lawyer?

We are looking for a diverse group of gifted writers who have experience in the anti-trafficking field and are passionate about raising awareness of modern day slavery to join the HTP team.

Assignments will include interviewing trafficking experts and NGOs, analyzing news articles and writing opinion pieces.

Although at the moment we cannot promise you fortune (the positions are unpaid), we can deliver on the fame by providing a platform from which you can speak your mind and create valuable content for those interested in learning more about trafficking.

Direct experience in the field is appreciated but by no means required. There is a lot of work to do and a lot of awareness to raise- together we can make a difference!

If interested, please email
a writing sample, a resume and a brief description of your experience in the trafficking field to

Thank you for your continued support!

The HTP team

1 comment:

  1. This is a fantastic resource for Human Trafficking information and contacts of organizations that are fighting this international epidemic.

    I'm very interested in advocating for this. I will consider submitting a writing sample. I am a web designer that is building the reach of my blog and personal website and this is the kind of information I want to be spreading to the masses.
